Mire se erdhet ne Shqipëria!
Mire se erdhet ne Shqipëria!
Welcome to Albania!
We've been having a wonderful time during culture week.
We have tasted two delicious Albania foods. Mrs Canaj brought us some Gurabie e Kuqe, biscuits with red icing, and she made us some byrek.
We had a parent visit us to teach us how to count to 10 in Albanian and how to say good morning and thank you.
We've made Albanian flags and learnt all about the Albanian eagle.
We learnt all about Mira Murati and designed our own ai robots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_PTjkav1AA
We have listened to Albanian music and done an Albanian dance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_CJAYrkmcw
We have learnt about the animals in Albania. Did you know there are lynx in the mountains?
We have made maps of Albania. Did you know there is a place called the town of 1,000 windows?
Today, we had a video call with Mrs Canaj's sisters, niece and nephew. We asked them some questions about life in Albania.
Happy Culture Week everyone!