At Holbeach School, alongside quality first teaching and a broad curriculum offer, we provide additional support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our SENDCo Team liaises with external professionals, ensuring appropriate support and interventions are swiftly implemented and regularly reviewed.
All interventions and provisions provided are personalised in order to ensure highly differentiated curriculum support. Alongside this, we also use systems to monitor pupil progress, aid academic and personal achievement and remove any barriers to learning. The commissioning of any specialist services and intervention will be dependent on need, funding and specialist teacher/service availability and decided upon by the SENCo in collaboration with parents and teachers.
If you are concerned about your child’s learning and progress talk to your child’s class teacher and/or the Inclusion Leader.
We will discuss any concerns you may have, interventions that could be put in place to support your child, and possible referrals to outside agencies that could be made.
Name and contact details of the SENCO
Debby Strode
0208 690 4713