

Joining in Art

Friday, November 10, 2023
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Today we were exploring different joining techniques. This is because we will be creating our own junk model dinosaurs! The children worked in teams to see how many different techniques they could use to make 1 long strip of card.

There were a couple of rules - You have to work as a team (your piece must join to someone else's) and you can not use the same joining technique next to each other. The children did a fantastic job of working in their teams!! 

We can't wait to start making the junk model dinosaurs soon.

The adults in 1S have started collecting recycling materials for this project. If you have something at home that you would really like to use then you can bring it in - cardboard tubes are particularly popular. Please don't bring anything made of glass.

I can't wait to see our dinosaurs begin to take shape!