

Helping your child to enjoy Maths!

Friday, February 23, 2024
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Top Tip 1: Tell your children they are good at maths.

Top Tip 2: Pretend you love maths (even if you hated maths at school yourself!)

Below are a few ideas of how to engage your child in maths at home and how to support them on their mathematical journey:

  • Allow children to take part in baking, including measuring with a discussion of weights, measures and scales.
  • Measure your child’s and their sibling’s height on a chart. They can see how they are growing and it would be a lovely keepsake.
  • Allow your child to see money and give them the opportunity to ‘buy things’ either in a make believe shop in your home or in a real life situation.
  • Going up the stairs – counting in 1’s.
  • Playing with Lego/Duplo to create structures or junk modelling and talking about the shapes used.
  • Creating art work, talking about the different shapes, colour and patterns. Could they make a symmetrical pattern?